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100-5020 TriGuard Heavy Duty Door Module - V2

This heavy duty, pre-engineered door hardware module provides
automotive-like functionality and style in a low profile, easy to install
one-piece module. Featuring TriMark's 050-1600 Heavy Duty Latch,
this robust product allows for power locking and is compliant to FMVSS 206
strength requirements. Other product details include:
- Heavy duty
modular construction is supplied fully assembled and tested - reduces
door assembly as much as 50% to 70% ©\ improving vehicle cost and
- Improved
serviceability in the field and ability to retrofit into existing
- Interior
locking mechanism provides additional safety for occupants
- Single
motion egress
System kits are available and include power lock actuators and electronic
accessories including custom wiring harnesses, relays, switches, door
contacts, actuators and mounting hardware to provide a comprehensive
electro-mechanical access solution.


April 11 - 17 Munich, Germany
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With Increasingly Global Markets
It's no secret that the world is getting "smaller" from a
business standpoint. We've commented on many occasions in this newsletter
about how TriMark is being challenged by our customers to assist
them in addressing their global customer and regulatory requirements. TriMark
customers are looking for every competitive advantage they can get and are
increasingly asking for our assistance in seeking out and executing those
strategic advantages.
In September, TriMark displayed at the DSEi which is a world leading
defense and security event held in London. The event attracted record
numbers of high-profile stakeholders affiliated with the defense and
security sectors. To give you some idea of just how "global" this
event has become, consider these facts:
- 1,683
exhibitors representing 54 countries - up 13% from 2013
- 42
international pavilions - up from 40 in 2013
- 255
Official Delegations - up 61% from 2013
- 2,874 VIPs
in attendance from 84 countries - up 9% from countries represented in
We are also seeing the same type of international growth in other events
where we participate such as bauma Munich, CONEXPO, and APTA to name just
three. The point here is that TriMark continues to develop and
design platforms and products which allow our customers to utilize
"off-the-shelf" Access Solutions.
Here in Iowa we've experienced record-setting bushels per acre corn and
soybean harvest. Many Iowa towns have massive piles of corn waiting to be
transported for processing. While the massive harvest creates issues with
farmers forcing low commodity prices, we also have to say that we are truly
fortunate to be able to provide such a bountiful harvest knowing that the
value-added products produced will provide food and nourishment for a
growing world population growing increasingly dependent on our robust
To all of our friends please know how fortunate we feel to have you as a
part of the TriMark family and we want to wish you all a wonderful
holiday season.
The TriMark Management Team

Showcases Armored Vehicle Products at 2015 DSEi Show
TriMark showcased its Armored Vehicle products at
DSEi - the world leading defense and security event - September in London.
TriMark's new 100-5020 Heavy Duty Door Module - V2 was the major
focal point. In addition, TriMark featured its TriGuard line
of heavy duty latches, linkages, handles and door modules specifically
developed for heavy duty armored vehicle applications.
TriGuard Product Line ¨C A Systems Approach
Offering security, reliability and
modularity, the TriGuard line of TriMark's heavy duty
latches, linkages, handles and door modules are specifically developed for
heavy duty armored vehicle applications. These robust door product/systems
simplify vehicle/door mounting with reduced attachment points and door
assembly. Already proven in several blast tests the 050-0850 heavy duty
latch/striker survives in punishing environments and provides rotor/cam
assist to heavy doors/armor and hinges helping to compensate for door sag.
These products can be used on retrofit, up-armor applications or new
surface mount vehicle construction and can be purchased as separate
products or complete one-piece modules ready for installation. In addition,
the TriGuard line of products is fully compatible and offers
flexibility and adaptability to suit your specific application needs.
TriMark Website Update
TriMark completed an update to the section of its website devoted to
the Armored
Vehicle market.

This section of the website includes a comprehensive listing of products
and components developed for this demanding market including the TriGuard
line of products as well as COMMANDoor powered door system.
Engineers Wear More than One Hat
TriMark engineers are a very talented group! The TriMark Engineering
Team is comprised of both mechanical and electrical engineers. More and
more of the access challenges we tackle involve the combining of both
mechanical and electrical skill sets into "mechatronic" access
solutions. This integration continues to pay dividends for TriMark
customers as we have evolved into a recognized leader in this area of
So now you know about the skills of the engineering team so now let's take
a closer look at how these tools and skills are brought together to solve
problems and tackle customer challenges.
Off-the-Shelf Solutions are Just One Way Application Engineering
Benefits Our Customers
While we know and understand each market may require its own unique product
solutions ¨C RV entrance doors are not the same as construction equipment
personnel doors, for example, TriMark always checks the full
complement of current product platforms to determine if we have a product
solution that could be readily available or easily modified.
Growing the Solutions Base
We are always expanding our Off-the-Shelf product solutions base; so many
times we can provide an access hardware solution without having to
"reinvent the wheel."
We've developed a simple graphic which helps us explain to customers how
TriMark approaches the Product Development Process access options
and solutions.

Application Engineering
If standard Off-The-Shelf products do not provide the solution for your
immediate needs, we have two additional product options available or TriMark
can develop an all new design that's engineered specifically for your
requirements and application. Many times we have components available that
can be assembled in a different Bill of Material that does not require
anything further than a part number release. In addition, we can modify
existing products based on the application needs, thereby shortening the
development cycle which our customers appreciate.
In its most basic definition, Application Engineering means that we are
applying all kinds of technology to tackle a customer challenge. For example,
a TriMark customer may come to us and say, "this is what I want
to do" and we then figure out what kind of product and technology we
will need to employ to solve that challenge. The truth is TriMark
manufacturing will also want to be able to manufacture a product in as easy
and efficient manner as possible, balancing the product vs. volume
requirements. At the same time, the TriMark customer wants and
expects the best product to satisfy their requirements. It's the job of the
TriMark application engineer to see that both objectives are
TriMark engineers work closely with our customers early in the
development process in order to select and/or design the best access
hardware product thereby avoiding unnecessary product and engineering expense.
Bottom Line - TriMark Can Offer a Full Range of Platform and
Product Solutions ¨C Just Ask Us!
Your Need TriMark Has the RIGHT Rotary Latch Solution for You
You may already know that TriMark has produced over 33 MILLION
Rotary Latches making it the global leader in Rotary latch solutions. And
while this number is very impressive in and of itself, the TriMark
rotary latch story goes well beyond mere numbers.
The range and breadth of the Rotary Latch product line has been built on
years of careful engineering evolution as well as successful customer
experiences with the full range of latch options. Leading the industry in
reliability and durability, products range from basic stand-alone designs
to integrated linkages for both FMVSS 206 and non-206 applications.
Offering a broad selection of rotary latch sizes, versions, features and
options to meet virtually any application, all TriMark rotary
latches feature the highest levels of quality, security and strength. In
addition, all TriMark Rotary Latch products are covered by TriMark's
comprehensive worldwide warranty, giving you confidence and peace of mind.
Rotary Latches 101
When you've made over 33 million rotary latches it is easy to forget that,
while we at TriMark may be intimately familiar with the complete
product offering, we need to be constantly aware that our customers also
need to be "in the loop" about our rotary latch platforms and
We thought that it might be a good idea to re-visit the basic configuration
options for our rotary latches (single and two-rotor latches) as well as a
more comprehensive look at the full range of available latches.
Two Rotor
TriMark's proven two rotor latches leads the industry in reliability
and durability. Products range from basic stand-alone designs to integrated
linkages for both FMVSS 206 and non-206 applications. Available in a wide
variety of versions and options, they offer robust latching functions in
several cost effective designs.
Single Rotor
TriMark's extensive single rotor latch products range from compact
compartment latches to FMVSS 206 compliant latches. Available in a wide
variety of versions and options, they offer reliable latching functions in
several low cost and compact designs.
Many rotary latches are produced as stand-alone products as well as being
integrated into other products such as paddle handles and door modules.
Integration of electronics is also available, providing power locking,
power release and door open sensing providing a complete mechatronic
solution. In addition, accessories such as striker bolts, cage nuts,
linkages, rods, cables and clips are available to provide a comprehensive
access solution.

Reinforcing the broad spectrum of applications, TriMark is currently
producing about 2 million units per year for a variety of customers and
- Construction
- Agricultural
- Mass
Transportation Vehicles (Busses and Rail)
- Armored
- Trucks and
- Toolbox and
- Recreational
- Specialty
Equipment (Utility Bodies, Ambulances, Firetrucks)
- Power
Let TriMark Help You!
Are you having trouble getting the rotary latch solution you need? As the global
leader in providing rotary latch solutions, TriMark will have the
answer that is right for you. Whether it is one of our proven and
time-tested off- the-shelf platforms/products or a fully-custom solution
requiring the full skills and expertise of TriMark's product
development experts, we know you will be more than pleased with the TriMark
access solution designed just for YOU!
TriMark Corporation
500 Bailey Avenue
PO Box 350
New Hampton, IA 50659
Tollfree: 1-800-447-0343
Phone: 1-641-394-3188
Fax: 1-641-394-2392
Email: tips@trimarkcorp.com
Visit us on the web at www.trimarkcorp.com
This e-newsletter is a service of TriMark Corp. and
is produced by The
Bearings Group